An Alexander Teacher

Now retired from a 25 year practice as a Psychotherapist / Nurse Practitioner in Mental Health, Anita has worked with hundreds of people of all ages to find an embodied way to get back into their lives. A graduate of Cornell University, Boston University, and Northeastern University led to a long developed career in nursing and MA in Counseling Psychology from Lesley College. She now practices as an ATI Certified Teacher of the Alexander Technique: graduate of Alexander Technique Center of Cambridge, a 3 year 1600 hour training with Tommy Thompson.

Her students now mostly tend to be wise women and men in midlife or older who feel blocked from their next steps by restricted or painful movement. Yet they are determined to have a different kind of aging from their parents’ generation.

Anita first sought out Alexander work some years ago to counter a posture that was beginning to develop into a round shouldered forward head position and was leading to back and neck pain. Unhappy with these aging changes and with a well established appreciation of human potential, she sought out lessons and classes in the Alexander Technique, learning how to let go conditioned patterns of pain producing holding and movement . She reports more ease and bouyancy than she might have expected and has demonstrated that any body shape can self organize and enjoy ease at any age.

Her continuing exploration of the Alexander Technique fuels her desire to make available this skill-set to anyone who feels blocked and is looking with some apprehension toward the effects of growing older or managing current stress.

Her work is designed to explore with others, individually and in groups, how we use ourselves, body/mind/spirit, to do what we do more fluidly, with less effort, and more fully express who we are as we do it.

This spring she will offer a series of classes in Durham, NH. called COMING TO FULL STATURE: Mind, Movement and Unposturing for late midlife wise women and men who want to keep the spring in their step as they grow older.

Contact Anita for details: 978 314-6328


Tommy Thompson’s website:

Robert Rickover’s website for podcasts and more information about Alexander Technique

Ease  or Effort ?“What you do with your attention affects the quality of your coordination”  Tommy Thompson**

Ease or Effort ?

“What you do with your attention affects the quality of your coordination” Tommy Thompson