Mind, Movement and Unposturing.

…. Effortless recognition of how you do what you do.

Yes, stiffness and habituated patterns of posture can cause pain and may have just become those utterly familiar ways of moving through your everyday life. Unconscious habits of thinking and movement are in play when we are on auto-pilot. Alexander work offers you an utterly unfamiliar experience that may seem a bridge too far but is actually an encounter with grace poise and ease. What you experience shines a light on who you are and how you do what ever it is you are doing. You learn to meet whatever is happening with less reaction and a more reasoned choice of how you manage a stress laden and fast paced world. Research has shown that Alexander work can improve balance, ease and mobility as well as consciousness in older people.*

The Alexander Technique is a re-education of awareness that alerts you to when you are going wrong in using yourself to accomplish anything and gives you the choice to allow the right thing to do itself. With more awake messages from your nervous system you find it takes less effort to do anything you wish to accomplish. An Alexander teacher can guide you in this learning process through demonstration and/or subtle hands on work.

“It depends on how we move how much life we get to experience”. Penelope Easten

For a short history of the Alexander Technique :


Modern Research:

*Lighten Up Postural Instruction affects static and dynamic balance in health older people Innovation in Aging Vol 4 Issue 2020 Cohen RG, Baer JL, Ravechandra R, Kral D, McGowan C, Cacciatore TW

*Preliminary Evidence for feasibility efficacy and mechanisms of Alexander Technique group classes for chronic neck pain Complementary Therapies in Medicine 2018;39:80 Becker JJ, Copeland SL, Botterbusch EL, Cohen RG


Benefits of the Alexander Technique